Do you realize that in a few weeks we move into a completely new decade?

My crystal ball tells me that what’s coming down the pipeline will blow our minds.

Technology, skills and jobs in the next five (5) years don’t exist now.

Get ready!

In the last 10 years, who would have thought:



  1. Netflix, Amazon, Disney+, Hulu and so on would upend traditional television? The same way Spotify and iTunes turned to the recording industry upside down.
  2. Payment systems like PayPal, Apple Pay, Stripe and so on, would make physical cash unnecessary.
  3. Recruiting sites like, Monster and LinkedIn would have replaced printed ads and threatened the jobs of job recruiters.
  4. Car sharing apps like Uber and Lyft would give traditional taxi companies a run for their money (only my Millennial son opts for taxis these days!!)
  5. Amazon and other online competing retailers would forced/are forcing once huge brick-and-mortar companies out of business. Forever 21 comes readily to mind.

The list goes on and on.

Who would have thought the disruption would be so severe in just 10 years?

My question to you is: 

Are you ready for the next generation of marketing? 

Are you making plans to pivot so you can serve the next generation of small business prospects and clients with the appropriate marketing strategies and tools?

I guarantee what got you here, won’t get you there, in 2020 and beyond.

Millennials and Gen Z will engage….

Only if you pivot your strategies to connect and communicate in the way they want.

By the way, did you know that Millennials are becoming the largest generational cohort in the workplace in Canada and the United States?

They will have enormous spending power. 

Take notice.

Millennials and Gen Z are tech savvy – they were born with a mobile phone in the palm of their hands!

If you plan to reach them, you need to be aware and learn the channels they use.

If not Now, then when?

If you are not yet on the path to a digital transformation, my immediate question is: When?

Tony Daniels, Founder of Social Media Week puts it this way:

“There will never be a more important time to make this shift and history will judge… much like the propagators of cheap fast food, will wish they had chosen to be a part of the organic food movement”.

Enough said.

Eyes on the prize in 2020



Here’s what I know for sure.

In 2020, it cannot be ‘same old, same old’, assuming growth is in your plans.

The disruption is fast and furious and you don’t get immunity.

Going forward, it may be wise to re imagine your small business and keep your eyes on these trends:

  1. Chat or conversational marketing. Messaging app users have surpassed social media network users.
  2. Artificial intelligence – continues to permeate every facet of work and life – voice, visual, chatbots, ride share, etc.
  3. Data analytics – data insights for better decisions
  4. Hyper-targeting – one message doesn’t fit all neither does one offer
  5. User generated content – the next generation of authentic marketing; think Coca Cola’s ‘Share a Coke’ campaign
  6. Shoppable posts – Instagram’s post to purchase without the need to switch between apps. Sales. Sales. Sales.

Believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Hang tight. It’s coming; it ain’t going.

How will you respond, Mr. Small Business Owner. Ms. Entrepreneur?