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Why Your Business Must Pay Attention To Chat Marketing Now!

A practical guide to chat marketing and how businesses can use it to scale and grow

Welcome to the new rules of consumer communication!

If you’ve ever messaged a client to and asked if it’s a good time for a quick call, you’ve already experienced the shift to messaging on mobile..

The way people connect with businesses always follows the way they connect with each other.

A few quick stats:

✔️ Mobile traffic has surpassed desktop in the USA (per eMarketer)
64.4% of global ecommerce sales are transacted on mobile devices (per eMarketer)
85% of people want text conversations with businesses (Per Chattanooga Trend)
Over 2.5 billion people use messaging apps (per eMarketer)

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Janet Yee
International Realtor, Janet Yee Realtor

"I walked away with so many strategies and 'Aha' moments! Now, I no longer need to struggle or feel intimidated because I know what to say and what to do to drive my dream clients into my DM."

Marta Andrade
Creative Conductor, elleseven design

"Dorothy of AKB2 is a savvy force to have in your marketing corner! Her foundation of marketing strategies and arsenal of tools catapults you into the millennial digital marketing age. If you need fresh, relevant ways to cut through the noise and clutter, then you need AKB2. Plus, they are fun to work with so the process doesn’t feel like “work” 🙂"

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